Tesseract OCR force pattern

2019-04-29 06:10发布


I want to read a specific character sequence with Tesseract like this post : Tesseract OCR: is it possible to force a specific pattern?

I have tried bazaar matching pattern in Tesseract with the pattern \d\d\d\A\A and ocr still recognize other words which doesn't match.

I have tried to use the "tessedit_char_whitelist" parameter but I can't choose the position of the characters with that.

  • I launch the command : tesseract image.jpg result -l eng bazaar And I have this message :

Please provide at least 4 concrete characters at the beginning of the pattern

Invalid user pattern \A\A\d\d\d

Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.01 with Leptonica

  • image.jpg :

  • The result :


So it is wrong, I just wanted to catch the sequence "AB123".

Can somebody tell me why the regular expression in my user-patterns file as no effect ? For the configuration, I have strictly followed the bazaar tutorial.