I would like to create a very simple task which change a boolean in my gradle config.
I work on an Android application which can be run with several profiles, and for each build a need to specify if in my code the app must fake the bluetooth or not.
My gradle (relevant code) :
def fakeBluetooth = "true"
buildTypes {
debug {
minifyEnabled false
signingConfig android.signingConfigs.debug
buildConfigField "boolean", "fakeBluetooth", fakeBluetooth
release {
minifyEnabled true
signingConfig android.signingConfigs.release
buildConfigField "boolean", "fakeBluetooth", fakeBluetooth
task noFakeBluetooth {
fakeBluetooth = "false"
Example of use in my java code :
if (BuildConfig.fakeBluetooth) {
} else {
// other case
Examples of use in command line :
./gradlew iDebug noFakeBluetooth
./gradlew iDebug
Problem : in both cases the value of fakeBluetooth is always "true" (with or without "noFakeBluetooth" in cmd line).