I have a question, i have a php script to check if the email address exist.
But appear that yahoo, hotmail, aol and others providers are accepting any emails and not rejecting the invalid emails.
Only Gmail, and many domains like stackoverflow.com are rejecting the no vaild emails.
Check my script and let me know if i can do some to check the yahoo and others.
html post form
<form action="checkemail.php" method="POST">
<b>E-mail</b> <input type="text" name="email">
<input type="submit">
/* Validate an email address. */
function jValidateEmailUsingSMTP($sToEmail, $sFromDomain = "gmail.com", $sFromEmail = "email@gmail.com", $bIsDebug = false) {
$bIsValid = true; // assume the address is valid by default..
$aEmailParts = explode("@", $sToEmail); // extract the user/domain..
getmxrr($aEmailParts[1], $aMatches); // get the mx records..
if (sizeof($aMatches) == 0) {
return false; // no mx records..
foreach ($aMatches as $oValue) {
if ($bIsValid && !isset($sResponseCode)) {
// open the connection..
$oConnection = @fsockopen($oValue, 25, $errno, $errstr, 30);
$oResponse = @fgets($oConnection);
if (!$oConnection) {
$aConnectionLog['Connection'] = "ERROR";
$aConnectionLog['ConnectionResponse'] = $errstr;
$bIsValid = false; // unable to connect..
} else {
$aConnectionLog['Connection'] = "SUCCESS";
$aConnectionLog['ConnectionResponse'] = $errstr;
$bIsValid = true; // so far so good..
if (!$bIsValid) {
if ($bIsDebug) print_r($aConnectionLog);
return false;
// say hello to the server..
fputs($oConnection, "HELO $sFromDomain\r\n");
$oResponse = fgets($oConnection);
$aConnectionLog['HELO'] = $oResponse;
// send the email from..
fputs($oConnection, "MAIL FROM: <$sFromEmail>\r\n");
$oResponse = fgets($oConnection);
$aConnectionLog['MailFromResponse'] = $oResponse;
// send the email to..
fputs($oConnection, "RCPT TO: <$sToEmail>\r\n");
$oResponse = fgets($oConnection);
$aConnectionLog['MailToResponse'] = $oResponse;
// get the response code..
$sResponseCode = substr($aConnectionLog['MailToResponse'], 0, 3);
$sBaseResponseCode = substr($sResponseCode, 0, 1);
// say goodbye..
$oResponse = fgets($oConnection);
// get the quit code and response..
$aConnectionLog['QuitResponse'] = $oResponse;
$aConnectionLog['QuitCode'] = substr($oResponse, 0, 3);
if ($sBaseResponseCode == "5") {
$bIsValid = false; // the address is not valid..
// close the connection..
if ($bIsDebug) {
print_r($aConnectionLog); // output debug info..
return $bIsValid;
$email = $_POST['email'];
$bIsEmailValid = jValidateEmailUsingSMTP("$email", "gmail.com", "email@gmail.com");
echo $bIsEmailValid ? "<b>Valid!</b>" : "Invalid! :(";