I'm trying to programmatically update a public spreadsheet (set to anyone can edit) via the API but it fails with
401 - "The request does not have valid authentication credentials."
I would expect to not need "valid authentication credentials" since it's a publicly editable spreadsheet. I can GET data from the sheet just fine, although I had to generate a "browser" API Key since apparently using an Android Key doesn't work.
Anyone know if there is a trick to getting an update to work, or is this not possible with the API?
Sample code I'm hacking together:
// Don't think I even need this?
GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential();
HttpTransport transport = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport();
JsonFactory factory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
final Sheets sheets = new Sheets.Builder(transport, factory, credential)
.setApplicationName("My Awesome App")
final String sheetID = "[ID Of Valid Public Spreadsheet Here]";
final String range = "A:S";
final ValueRange content = new ValueRange();
content.set("Column A Name", "Some Value to Set");
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
UpdateValuesResponse valueRange = sheets.spreadsheets().values()
.update(sheetID, range, content)
mLog.D("Got values: " + valueRange);
catch (IOException e) {
mLog.E("Sheets failed", e);