Seq empty test with specs2

2019-04-28 20:26发布


How can I check if a Seq[String] is empty or not using specs2 in Scala ? I am using seq must be empty or seq.length must be greaterThan(0) but I end up always with type mismatch errors.

ret is Seq[String]

ret.length must be greaterThan(0)

[error] ApiTest.scala:99: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : Int
[error]  required: org.specs2.matcher.Matcher[String]
[error]         ret.length must be greaterThan(0)


I think the type mismatch error is caused by another bit of code than that which you've posted.

Your example should just work with:

ret must not be empty

I've tried and confirmed to be working correctly:

 "Seq beEmpty test" should {
    "just work" in {
      Seq("foo") must not be empty

You could run into trouble if you use multiple assertions per test, for example the following doesn't compile:

"Seq beEmpty test" should {
  "just work" in {
    List() must be empty
    Seq("foo") must not be empty

Which is unexpected, but easily fixed by helping the compiler:

"Seq beEmpty test" should {
  "just work" in {
    List() must beEmpty
    Seq("foo") must not beEmpty


Try using the specs2 matcher have size. Since the size can't be negative, if it's not zero, it must be greater than zero. Therefore, we could use:

ret must not have size (0)