I am new to DART. I read the language overview and checked example code in DART editor. So far i could not find how to handle events in DART. For e.g. onclick="call_dart_method()".
How can we handle events in DART?
I am new to DART. I read the language overview and checked example code in DART editor. So far i could not find how to handle events in DART. For e.g. onclick="call_dart_method()".
How can we handle events in DART?
That's not how you do it on Dart Check here, under the section Events: http://www.dartlang.org/articles/improving-the-dom/
(event) => print('click!'));
Also, you might find that being able to optionally declare our variable types makes working with events in Dart bliss.
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math';
class MyApplication {
MyApplication() {
CanvasElement screenCanvas;
CanvasRenderingContext2D screen;
final int WIDTH = 400, HEIGHT = 300;
Random rand = new Random();
screenCanvas = new CanvasElement();
..width = WIDTH
..height = HEIGHT
..style.border = 'solid black 1px';
screen = screenCanvas.getContext('2d');
screenCanvas.onClick.listen((MouseEvent me) {
r = rand.nextInt(256),
g = rand.nextInt(256),
b = rand.nextInt(256);
double a = rand.nextDouble();
..translate(me.offsetX, me.offsetY)
..rotate(rand.nextDouble() * PI)
..fillStyle = 'rgba($r,$g,$b,$a)'
..fillRect(-25, -25, 50, 50)
void main() {
new MyApplication();