Considering a Spring Boot CommandLineRunner
Application, I would like to know how to filter the "switch" options passed to Spring Boot as externalized configuration.
For example, with:
public class FileProcessingCommandLine implements CommandLineRunner {
public void run(String... strings) throws Exception {
for (String filename: strings) {
File file = new File(filename);
I can call java -jar myJar.jar /tmp/file1 /tmp/file2
and the service will be called for both files.
But if I add a Spring parameter, like java -jar myJar.jar /tmp/file1 /tmp/file2
then the configuration name is updated (right!) but the service is also called for file ./
which of course doesn't exist.
I know I can filter manually on the filename with something like
if (!filename.startsWith("--")) ...
But as all of this components came from Spring, I wonder if there is not a option somewhere to let it manage it, and to ensure the strings
parameter passed to the run
method will not contain at all the properties options already parsed at the Application level.
Thanks to @AndyWilkinson enhancement report, ApplicationRunner
interface was added in Spring Boot 1.3.0 (still in Milestones at the moment, but will soon be released I hope)
Here the way to use it and solve the issue:
public class FileProcessingCommandLine implements ApplicationRunner {
public void run(ApplicationArguments applicationArguments) throws Exception {
for (String filename : applicationArguments.getNonOptionArgs())
File file = new File(filename);
There's no support for this in Spring Boot at the moment. I've opened an enhancement issue so that we can consider it for a future release.
One option is to use Commons CLI in the run() of your CommandLineRunner impl.
There is a related question that you may be interested.
Here is another solution :
public class FileProcessingCommandLine implements CommandLineRunner {
private ApplicationConfig config;
public void run(String... strings) throws Exception {
for (String filename: config.getFiles()) {
File file = new File(filename);
public class ApplicationConfig {
private String[] files;
public String[] getFiles() {
return files;
public void setFiles(String[] files) {
this.files = files;
Then run the program :
java -jar myJar.jar --files=/tmp/file1,/tmp/file2