I am using knockout as main framework in my application and it has to support tablets and mobile devices. As the framework is built on binding handlers I wonder how can custom binding to actions (like swipe and other device specific ones) be achieved, or maybe there is something like this done?
Probably too late, but here is a library that adds touch binding to knockoutjs: https://github.com/yaroslavya/knockouch
Create a
. Here you go an example of a real projectko.bindingHandlers.swipeSections = { init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) { var elem = $(element); var params = valueAccessor().split('##'); elem.unbind('swipe'); elem.swipe({ swipeLeft: function (event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) { //process }, swipeRight: function (event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount) { //process } }); }
Using a swipe library: https://github.com/mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin
script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.touchSwipe.js"
Define the item's binding
div id="myid" class="section" data-bind="swipeSections: 'leftPanel##rightPanel'"
There are no built in bindings for specific frameworks as knockout.js has no dependencies on any other framework. It should be a trivial task to convert your jQuery selector code to binding handlers referencing the link @niko provides above.
I dont know if it still helps, but here is a pointer.
- Use a library like Hammer.js to get multi touch actions.
- Write a custom binding handler and call the knockout's default event binding. something like this for a swipe. (the author of the fiddle uses tap.js)
now all you do in your html is
<button data-bind="tap:doSomething">Click Me</button>
where doSomething is a function.