Generally, table has a fixed row height but according to my requirements I need to set height of each row according to content within it.
Can anyone suggest me some solution for it?
Generally, table has a fixed row height but according to my requirements I need to set height of each row according to content within it.
Can anyone suggest me some solution for it?
The table view delegate protocol has a tableView:heightOfRow that lets you set the height of each row in the table view.
Thanks all for your suggestions and help. This problem is now resolved using following code in tableView:heightOfRow:
float colWidth = [[[tableView tableColumns] objectAtIndex:1]width];
NSString *content = [[[tempArray objectAtIndex:row] objectForKey:@"tValue"] string];
float textWidth = [content sizeWithAttributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Lucida Grande" size:15],NSFontAttributeName ,nil]].width;
float newHeight = ceil(textWidth/colWidth);
newHeight = (newHeight * 17) + 13;
if(newHeight < 47){
return 47;
return newHeight;