boost serialization 1.5.5 crash when meets Nan and

2019-04-28 10:42发布


It seems that boost serialization can't restore the value Nan and inf from text-based archives.

The the program will terminate unless you handle the archive_exception in this case, any solutions to that ?


The author of the library has this to say:

The simple truth is I never consider this.

When it came up the last time I didn't really think about it very much as I was involved in other things and I hoped intereste[d] parties might come to a consensus without my having to bend my over-stretched brain.

(goes on to discuss workarounds)

This appears to be correct, in my test only binary archives support inf/nan.

Xml and text archives do support the full range of precision, except nan/inf:

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using BIA = boost::archive::binary_iarchive;
using BOA = boost::archive::binary_oarchive;
using TIA = boost::archive::text_iarchive;
using TOA = boost::archive::text_oarchive;
using XIA = boost::archive::xml_iarchive;
using XOA = boost::archive::xml_oarchive;

int main() {

    // supported:
    assert((perform_test<BIA,  BOA, use_nan, use_inf, use_range>()));
    assert((perform_test<XIA,  XOA, no_nan,  no_inf,  use_range>()));
    assert((perform_test<TIA,  TOA, no_nan,  no_inf,  use_range>()));

    // not supported:
    assert(!(perform_test<XIA, XOA, no_nan,  use_inf>()));
    assert(!(perform_test<TIA, TOA, no_nan,  use_inf>()));

    assert(!(perform_test<XIA, XOA, use_nan, no_inf>()));
    assert(!(perform_test<TIA, TOA, use_nan, no_inf>()));


Full Listing

For posterity:

#include <boost/archive/xml_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/xml_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <sstream>

using namespace boost::archive;

static bool equal_or_nan(double a, double b) {
    return (std::isnan(a) && std::isnan(b)) || a==b;

template <typename IA, typename OA, 
         bool withNan   = true,
         bool withInf   = true,
         bool withRange = true>
bool perform_test() 
    std::vector<double> const v {
        withRange? std::numeric_limits<double>::min()       : 0,
        withRange? std::numeric_limits<double>::max()       : 0,
        withRange? std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()   : 0,
        withNan?   std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() : 0,
        withInf?   std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()  : 0,
        withInf? - std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()  : 0,

    std::stringstream ss;
        OA oa(ss);
        oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("element", v);

        IA ia(ss);
        std::vector<double> w;
        ia >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("element", w);

        return std::equal(v.begin(), v.end(), w.begin(), equal_or_nan);
    } catch(...) {
        return false;

static constexpr bool use_inf = true, use_nan = true, use_range = true;
static constexpr bool no_inf  = false, no_nan = false, no_range = false;

using BIA = boost::archive::binary_iarchive;
using BOA = boost::archive::binary_oarchive;
using TIA = boost::archive::text_iarchive;
using TOA = boost::archive::text_oarchive;
using XIA = boost::archive::xml_iarchive;
using XOA = boost::archive::xml_oarchive;

int main() {

    // supported:
    assert((perform_test<BIA,  BOA, use_nan, use_inf, use_range>()));
    assert((perform_test<XIA,  XOA, no_nan,  no_inf,  use_range>()));
    assert((perform_test<TIA,  TOA, no_nan,  no_inf,  use_range>()));

    // not supported:
    assert(!(perform_test<XIA, XOA, no_nan,  use_inf>()));
    assert(!(perform_test<TIA, TOA, no_nan,  use_inf>()));

    assert(!(perform_test<XIA, XOA, use_nan, no_inf>()));
    assert(!(perform_test<TIA, TOA, use_nan, no_inf>()));



Firstly, this is not an issue specific to boost archives, it is a feature of iostream i.e. text streaming. You can stream out a NaN value but you cannot read it back. I am not even sure it is "defined" how a NaN will print.

If you are going to "patch" your boost library then the place to do this is in


template< class IStream >
class basic_text_iprimitive


 template<class T>
 void load(T & t)

There is an overload for char, signed char and unsigned char but not double.

If you don't like modify the boost header (and I don't like touching those) then take advantage of the fact that they are templated and can be specialized.

Put this patch somewhere in your code in a header and include it before you read the archive.

namespace boost { namespace archive {
template<> template<>
void basic_text_iprimitive< std::istream >::load<double>( double& t )
    // fix to handle NaNs
} } // close namespaces

From my own test run the templated type is std::istream (or to be more precise std::basic_istream< char, std::char_traits<char> > )

If you find that doesn't work then write similar overloads for other input streams (and of course make them all forward to the one implementation).

What to put in the "fix" section? Well boost does actually create a facet for reading the NaNs, you just have to ensure that you have created the locale for it and imbue it into the archive.

Put the implementation in a C++ file and ensure this locale is created just once:

std::locale infLocale( std::locale(), new boost::math::nonfinite_num_get<char>));

Then you can imbue that into your stream before you read:

is.imbue( infLocale )

(You can also do this imbue at the point you first load and read the XML and if you have only one library for reading XML then do it that way, but if you do this in various places in your code, doing such is not ideal).

Of course, to ensure consistency you will want to use a similar locale for writing NaNs. boost has a nonfinite_num_put facet for that. You can put that in the same locale as nonfinite_num_get and then imbue that into the stream, either when you create the file handle for XML or specialize a template method.


Have a look at this topic. There are facets in boost/math/special_functions (see question) and a way to apply them (see answer).


Helper template functions or overloaded operators (e.g. <<, &) can be used to call stream selector - specialized static template class. Stream selector specializations would then choose correct streaming functions based on the type being serialized:

template <typename T>
stream(boost::archive::xml_iarchive& ia,
       const boost::serialization::nvp<T>& nvp)
  return StreamSelector<T>::stream(ia, nvp);

template <typename T>
stream(boost::archive::xml_oarchive& oa,
       const boost::serialization::nvp<T>& nvp)
  return StreamSelector<T>::stream(oa, nvp);

General stream selector static template class can be defined for any type supported by boost::archive::xml_iarchive as the following:

template <typename T>
class StreamSelector {
  static boost::archive::xml_iarchive&
  stream(boost::archive::xml_iarchive& ia,
         const boost::serialization::nvp<T>& nvp)
    ia.operator >>(nvp);
    return ia;

  static boost::archive::xml_oarchive&
  stream(boost::archive::xml_oarchive& oa,
         const boost::serialization::nvp<T>& nvp)
    oa.operator <<(nvp);
    return oa;

Then stream selector can be specialized for double to handle NaN, or to output floating point values in a more human readable format to an archive:

template <>
class StreamSelector<double> {
  constexpr static double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
  constexpr static const char* nanCStr = "nan";

  static boost::archive::xml_iarchive&
  stream(boost::archive::xml_iarchive& ia,
         const boost::serialization::nvp<double>& nvp)
    std::string iStr;
    ia >>  boost::serialization::make_nvp(, iStr);
    if(iStr == nanCStr) nvp.value() = nan;
    else nvp.value() = std::stod(iStr);

    return ia;

  static boost::archive::xml_oarchive&
  stream(boost::archive::xml_oarchive& oa,
         const boost::serialization::nvp<double>& nvp)
    if(std::isnan(nvp.value())) {
      std::string nanStr = nanCStr;
      oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp(, nanStr);
    else {
      std::stringstream oStrm;
      oStrm << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
            << nvp.value();
      std::string oStr = oStrm.str();
      oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp(, oStr);
    return oa;

Other similar stream selector specializations can be added to handle more types (e.g float, long double) and more special cases such as infinities.

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