I would like to send some extra information on the emails which is sent from codeigniter library. Is there any way to configure or add this?
I want to categorize all the outgoing mail from my site. I need to include sendgrid category header for tracking.
The CodeIgniter email class doesn't let you manually set headers. However you could change this by extending it and adding a new function that allows you to set the sendgrid headers.
See the "Extending Native Libraries" section of the CodeIgniter manual:
Here's what the code in your new email class might look like.
class MY_Email extends CI_Email {
public function __construct(array $config = array())
public function set_header($header, $value){
$this->_headers[$header] = $value;
You'd then be able to set headers using your new email class like this:
$this->email->set_header($header, $value);
This page will explain what headers can be passed to SendGrid:
Alright, I just want to improve the best answer here.
Credit goes to @Tekniskt, and the only difference here is that the settings you might have in /application/config/email.php are ignored, which hurts, especially if you are using custom STMP settings.
Here's the full code of the class MY_Email.php I've improved from the answer above:
class MY_Email extends CI_Email {
public function __construct($config = array())
if (count($config) > 0)
$this->_smtp_auth = ($this->smtp_user == '' AND $this->smtp_pass == '') ? FALSE : TRUE;
$this->_safe_mode = ((boolean)@ini_get("safe_mode") === FALSE) ? FALSE : TRUE;
log_message('debug', "Email Class Initialized");
// this will allow us to add headers whenever we need them
public function set_header($header, $value){
$this->_headers[$header] = $value;
Hope it helps! :)
I did my test, and it seems now /config/email.php is included and settings are passed properly.
Cheers and thanks for the answer! :)
Pass the $config
class MY_Email extends CI_Email
public function __construct(array $config = array())
public function set_header($header, $value)
$this->_headers[ $header ] = $value;
Set custom header as
$this->email->set_header($header, $value);