I'm sending emails from java code.My configuration is
props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.host", "****");
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587");
On my other question EJP answered
Any protocol that uses STARTTLS is in SSL mode after the STARTTLS command is issued
But my debug output shows:DEBUG SMTP: trying to connect to host "****", port 587, isSSL false.
So my question sounds like
Is such configuration really safe and uses SSL
as EJP said despite of isSSL=false on my debug output?
connecting code
Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp");
transport.connect("host", 587,"username", "password");
when I wrote Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtps")
I got
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection