So I've got the following piece of code inside my AuthenticationService. After login credentials are checked, the user get's redirected to their profile:
redirectUser(username:string):void {
// Redirect user to profile on successful login
this.router.navigate(['../Profile/Feed', {username: username}]);
And it all worked fine, but ever since I introduced some child routes inside the ProfileComponent
, I ran into some errors.
First of all, this is my AppComponent with the RouteConfig:
import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from 'angular2/core';
import {RouteConfig,ROUTER_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/router';
import {HTTP_PROVIDERS} from 'angular2/http';
import {HomeComponent} from '../home/home';
import {AuthenticationService} from '../../services/authentication.service';
import {LoginComponent} from '../login/login';
import {ProfileComponent} from '../profile/profile';
import {ProfileService} from '../../services/profile.service';
selector: 'app',
viewProviders: [AuthenticationService, ProfileService, HTTP_PROVIDERS],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
directives: [
templateUrl: './components/app/app.html'
{path: '/', component: HomeComponent, as: 'Home'},
{path: '/inloggen', component: LoginComponent, as: 'Login'},
{path: '/profile/:username/...', component: ProfileComponent, as: 'Profile'}
export class AppComponent {
As you can see, some new routes are defined inside the ProfileComponent. As shown here:
import {Component, OnInit} from 'angular2/core';
import {RouteConfig,ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, RouteParams, RouterLink, RouterOutlet} from 'angular2/router';
import {ProfileService} from '../../services/profile.service';
import {PROFILE_IMAGES} from '../../constants/constants';
import {WorkoutsComponent} from '../workouts/workouts';
import {FeedComponent} from '../feed/feed';
interface IProfileVM {
username: string;
profileUser: Object;
getProfileData(username:string): void;
selector: 'profile',
templateUrl: './components/profile/profile.html',
directives: [RouterOutlet, RouterLink],
providers: [ProfileService]
{path: '/nieuwsfeed', component: FeedComponent, as: 'Feed'},
{path: '/workouts', component: WorkoutsComponent, as: 'Workouts'}
export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit, IProfileVM {
public username:string;
public profileUser:any;
constructor(private _profileService:ProfileService,
private _params:RouteParams) {
this.username = this._params.get('username');
ngOnInit() {
getProfileData(username) {
// Do stuff..
So the problem here is, before I introduced some child routes inside the ProfileComponent, everything worked fine. User get's redirected, the username appears in the URL and it was all fine. But since I added these child routes, I got the following error:
"Route generator for 'username' was not included in parameters passed."
Would be great is somebody could help me out!! Thanks in advance!