I have data as follows:
- 10 states
- Each state has two types
- Each type has between 1 and 29 entities
- Each state-entity-type has a count
Complete data available as a gist.
I'm trying to visualize what proportion of the counts were made for each entity. To do that, I've used the following code:
icc <- transform( icc, state=factor(state), entity=factor(entity), type=factor(type) )
p <- ggplot( icc, aes( x=state, y=count, fill=entity ) ) +
geom_bar( stat="identity", position="stack" ) +
facet_grid( type ~ . )
custom_theme <- theme_update(legend.position="none")
Unfortunately, I'm losing a lot of information because state-types with lots of entities aren't displaying enough unique colors.
As mentioned above, I have 125 entities, but the most entities in a state-type is 29. Is there a way to force ggplot2 and colorbrewer to assign a unique (and hopefully fairly distinct) color within each entity-type?
The only way I've come up with so far is to coerce entity
to an integer, which works but doesn't provide much color differentiation between levels.