My application has been implemeted using MVC 3, .net. I am trying to generate an excel file at the click of a button. The call to the controller action is made using Ajax. My main problem is: During the file generation i am trying to display an image on the screen to let the user know of the ingoing operation. I can very well display the image but i cannot hide it after the operation is completed. The codei am using is :
Javascript code:
$("input.DownloadExcelReport").click(function (e) {
var parameter = -- code to fetch parameter value;
var outputViewUrl = (the url is created here);
showLoading(); -- This function displays the image
window.location.href = outputViewUrl;
Controller Action code:
public ActionResult DownExcelReportForAssortment(Guid parameter)
//the contents for the file generation are fetched here..
// Write contents to excel file
if (memoryStream != null)
var documentName = "Report.xls";
byte[] byteArrary = memoryStream.ToArray();
return File(byteArrary, "application/", documentName);
catch (Exception ex)
I do not return a Json result to the calling javascript method where i can write the code to hide the image. I am returning a file which can be saved by the user and the action is completed.
Can somone please suggect/help me of how can i hide the image once the file generation operation is complete?
Appreciate the help...