I have a WinForms application where I am using Word Automation to build documents via a template, and then save them to the database. After the document is created, I retrieve the document from the database, write it to the file system in a temp directory, and then open the document using the Word Interop services.
There is a list of documents loaded and the user can open only 1 instance of each document, but can open multiple different documents simultaneously. I don't have any problems with opening, saving, and closing when they open 1 document, however, when they open multiple documents simultaneously, I get the following error when closing any of my instances of Word:
The file is in use by another application or user. (C:\...\Templates\Normal.dotm)
This error is commonly encountered when a read lock is set on the file that you are attempting to open.
I am using the following code to open the document and handle the BeforeDocumentClosed event:
public void OpenDocument(string filePath, Protocol protocol, string docTitle, byte[] document)
_protocol = protocol;
documentTitle = docTitle;
_path = filePath;
if (!_wordDocuments.ContainsKey(_path))
FileUtility.WriteToFileSystem(filePath, document);
Word.Application wordApplication = new Word.Application();
wordApplication.DocumentBeforeClose += WordApplicationDocumentBeforeClose;
_wordDocuments.Add(_path, wordApplication);
_wordApplication = _wordDocuments[_path];
_currentWordDocument = _wordApplication.ActiveDocument;
public void ShowWordApplication()
if (_wordApplication != null)
_wordApplication.Visible = true;
private void WordApplicationDocumentBeforeClose(Document doc, ref bool cancel)
if (!_currentWordDocument.Saved)
DialogResult dr = MessageHandler.ShowConfirmationYnc(String.Format(Strings.DocumentNotSavedMsg, _documentTitle), Strings.DocumentNotSavedCaption);
switch (dr)
case DialogResult.Yes:
case DialogResult.Cancel:
cancel = true;
if (_currentWordDocument != null)
public void Cleanup()
if (_currentWordDocument != null)
while(Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_currentWordDocument) > 0);
if (_wordApplication != null)
while (Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_wordApplication) > 0);
Does anyone see anything wrong that I am doing to allow opening of multiple documents at the same time? I am fairly new to Word Automation and the Word Interop services, so any advice is appreciated. Thanks.