ES6 Destructuring and Module imports

2019-01-08 22:09发布


I was under the impression that this syntax:

import Router from 'react-router';
var {Link} = Router;

has the same final result as this:

import {Link} from 'react-router';

Can someone explain what the difference is?

(I originally thought it was a React Router Bug.)


import {Link} from 'react-router';

imports a named export from react-router, i.e. something like

export const Link = 42;

import Router from 'react-router';
const {Link} = Router;

pulls out the property Link from the default export, assuming it is an object, e.g.

export default {
  Link: 42

(the default export is actually nothing but a standardized named export with the name "default").

See also export on MDN.

Complete example:

// react-router.js
export const Link = 42;
export default {
  Link: 21,

// something.js
import {Link} from './react-router';
import Router from './react-router';
const {Link: Link2} = Router;

console.log(Link); // 42
console.log(Link2); // 21

With Babel 5 and below I believe they have been interchangeable because of the way ES6 modules have been transpiled to CommonJS. But those are two different constructs as far as the language goes.


To do this:

import {purple, grey} from 'themeColors';

Without repeating export const for each symbol, just do:

export const
  purple = '#BADA55',
  grey = '#l0l',
  gray = grey,
  default = 'this line actually causes an error';