How to subscribe to change of an observable field

2019-04-27 18:00发布


until lately I could use bindProperty like shown below or in this question, but that has changed with 0.8.0 and I don't know how to change my code to get the old behaviour (doSomething() gets called):

<polymer-element name="my-login" attributes="model">
    <template if="{{"model.isLoggedIn}}">
  <script type= ... ></script>


class MyLogin extends PolymerElement with ObservableMixin {
  LoginModel model;

  inserted() {

  void doSomething() {

logoutChangeSubscription = bindProperty(model, #isLoggedIn, () => doSomething());


class Model extends Object with ObservableMixin {
  @observable bool isLoggedIn = false;


With Polymer.dart 0.8 or greater, you can also use this convenience form:

isLoggedInChanged(oldValue) {

Notice how you can create a method inside your PolymerElement that uses a name of yourFieldName*Changed

There's also onPropertyChange as defined here:

From the docs:

class MyModel extends ObservableBase {
  StreamSubscription _sub;
  MyOtherModel _otherModel;

  MyModel() {
    _sub = onPropertyChange(_otherModel, const Symbol('value'),
        () => notifyProperty(this, const Symbol('prop'));

  String get prop => _otherModel.value;
  set prop(String value) { _otherModel.value = value; }


Polymer.dart >= 1.0.0

@Property(observer: 'doSomething') bool isLoggedIn;

void doSomething(bool newValue, bool oldValue) => ...


void doSomething(event, detail) => ...

Polymer.dart < 1.0.0

Ok, found it

new PathObserver(model, "isLoggedIn").changes.listen((e) => doSomething());


It seems that the syntax has changed a little bit. The syntax of the solution proposed by Günter now seems to be:

new PathObserver(model, "isLoggedIn").open((e) => doSomething());