Is there a way to logout of a digest authentication done in php.
I have tried unset($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_DIGEST"]); But it wont ask to relogin. I know if i close the browser then it will work and here are my functions.
function login(){
$realm = "Restricted area";
$users = array("jamesm"=>"");
if (empty($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_DIGEST"])) {
header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");
header("WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"{$realm}\",qop=\"auth\",nonce=\"".uniqid()."\",opaque=\"".md5($realm)."\"");
return false;
if (!($data = http_digest_parse($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_DIGEST"])) || !isset($users[$data["username"]]))
return false;
$A1 = md5($data["username"] . ":{$realm}:{$users[$data["username"]]}");
$A2 = md5($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"].":{$data["uri"]}");
$valid_response = md5("{$A1}:{$data["nonce"]}:{$data["nc"]}:{$data["cnonce"]}:{$data["qop"]}:{$A2}");
if ($data["response"] != $valid_response)
return false;
return true;
function logout(){
return true;
What more do i need to add to the logout function to finish this off.
If i change the realm it works but i don't want it to be changed.