I have an NSDocument based app with autosave enabled.
I'd like to prevent this popup from showing:
I have tried returning nil from NSWindow's –title, –representedFilename and –representedURL which hide the title effectively hide the title but have no effect on the downward facing disclosure indicator and the popup.
Is there a way I can prevent this popup from being presented?
I was able to prevent the button from being shown by overriding NSWindow's
+ (NSButton *)standardWindowButton:(NSWindowButton)windowButtonKind forStyleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle
and returning nil for NSWindowDocumentVersionsButton
Return false from NSDocument's autosavesInPlace() override
You can also use a streamlined toolbar (wwdc2016)
override func viewWillAppear() {
self.view.window!.titleVisibility = .hidden
This removes also the title bar (but not the ones of tabbed windows)