Jsdoc is installed locally ( npm install jsdoc ). I get the following error while trying to execute
.\node_modules.bin\jsdoc --debug ./lib/JavaScriptSource.js
DEBUG: JSDoc 3.3.0-dev (Sun, 15 Jun 2014 18:39:52 GMT)
DEBUG: Environment info: {"env":{"conf":{"tags":{"allowUnknownTags":true},"templ
There are no input files to process.
JSDoc 3.3.0-dev (Sun, 15 Jun 2014 18:39:52 GMT) Options: -t, --template <value> The path to the template to use. Default: path/to/jsdoc/templates/default -c, --configure <value> The path to the configuration file. Default: path/to/jsdoc/conf.json ..... </code>