I'm using kafka stream and I'm trying to materialize a KTable into a topic.
It works but it seems to be done every 30 secs or so.
How/When does Kafka Stream decides to materialize the current state of a KTable into a topic ?
Is there any way to shorten this time and to make it more "real-time" ?
Here is the actual code I'm using
// Stream of random ints: (1,1) -> (6,6) -> (3,3)
// one record every 500ms
KStream<Integer, Integer> kStream = builder.stream(Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.Integer(), RandomNumberProducer.TOPIC);
// grouping by key
KGroupedStream<Integer, Integer> byKey = kStream.groupByKey(Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.Integer());
// same behaviour with or without the TimeWindow
KTable<Windowed<Integer>, Long> count = byKey.count(TimeWindows.of(1000L),"total");
// same behaviour with only count.to(Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.Long(), RandomCountConsumer.TOPIC);
count.toStream().map((k,v) -> new KeyValue<>(k.key(), v)).to(Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.Long(), RandomCountConsumer.TOPIC);