This is my Project Table
Project Table
JNo Name City
J1 Proj1 London
J2 Proj2 Paris
J3 Proj3 Athens
J4 Proj4 India
And this is my shipment table
SNo PNo JNo Qty
S1 P1 J1 50
S1 P1 J2 90
S1 P2 J1 40
S1 P3 J3 20
S2 P1 J3 110
S2 P2 J2 30
S2 P4 J3 10
S2 P3 J1 100
S3 P1 J3 80
S3 P4 J2 70
S3 P4 J2 70
S4 P1 J3 20
S4 P2 J1 60
I want to name of the project having minimum quantity supplied.
I tried. But its return only minimum qty value
this is my code
select min(qty) from shipment where jno IN(select jno from project)
FROM Project p, Shipment s
WHERE s.JNo = p.JNo
AND s.Qty in (SELECT MIN(qty) FROM shipment)
This should work as you say
select p.Name, s.Qty
from Project p, Shipment s
where p.Jno=s.Jno
and s.Qty in(select min(s.Qty) from Shipment s);
Would display Project Name from the Project
table and minimum Qty from the shipment
Without using MIN:
SELECT p.Name, s.Qty
FROM `project` p
INNER JOIN `shipment` s ON `p`.`jno` = `s`.`jno`
ORDER BY `s`.`qty` ASC
The query that you should use is
SELECT project.Name, min(qty) FROM Project
LEFT JOIN Shipment ON project.JNO = Shipment.JNO
I hope that this can help you.
For the project with the single smallest shipment, try:
from project p
join shipment s on p.jno=s.jno
order by s.qty
limit 1
For the project with the smallest total quantity shipped, try:
select name from
(select, sum(s.qty) total_shipped
from project p
join shipment s on p.jno=s.jno
group by
order by 2) sq
limit 1