How do I access the underlying Jackson ObjectMappe

2019-04-26 17:17发布


I need to configure the underlying Jackson ObjectMapper in REST Assured. I am writing REST API tests using REST Assured and I need to define some filters to register with the ObjectMapper that is used to serialize my objects to JSON:

    String newTestSuite = "{\"name\":\"Added through Rest API\",\"description\":\"Test Description\",\"steps\":[]}";

    FilterProvider filters = new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter("createNewTestSuite", new NewTestSuiteFilter());
    ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();

    try {
        TestSuite ts = om.readValue(newCaspianTest, TestSuite.class);

        RequestSpecification requestSpec = new RequestSpecBuilder()

        ResponseSpecification responseSpec = new ResponseSpecBuilder()
            .expectStatusLine(Matchers.containsString("200 OK"))


    } catch(JsonParseException jpe) {

    } catch(JsonMappingException jme) {

    } catch(IOException ioe) {




You can try this:

RestAssured.config = RestAssuredConfig.config().objectMapperConfig(new ObjectMapperConfig().jackson2ObjectMapperFactory(
new Jackson2ObjectMapperFactory() {
        public ObjectMapper create(Class aClass, String s) {
            FilterProvider filter = new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter(...);
            ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
            return objectMapper;


This will give you an object mapper that does not explode when the back end developer decides to add a new field.

RestAssured.config = RestAssuredConfig.config().objectMapperConfig(new ObjectMapperConfig().jackson2ObjectMapperFactory(
    new Jackson2ObjectMapperFactory() {
      public ObjectMapper create(Type cls, String charset) {
        ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper().findAndRegisterModules();
        om.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
        return om;



@sanj's answer was very helpful. I had to modify it slightly because I'm using RestAssuredMockMvc.

This is how I configure RestAssuredMockMvc to use snake_case instead of CamelCase:

RestAssuredMockMvc.config = RestAssuredMockMvcConfig.config().objectMapperConfig(new ObjectMapperConfig().jackson2ObjectMapperFactory(
            (type, s) -> {
                ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
                return objectMapper;