I'm creating a little bash script to copy new files from a windows machine to a remote linux centos server (i run this script using the git-shell) then i want to restart the python application thats running in the server to use those new files.
The problem is that everytime i run this script i want to end the actual running process before i start it again, so i want to get the pid of the process i start and save it to a file in the remote host so i can read it from there the next time i run the program and kill it.
My code by now looks similar to this:
echo "Copying code files to server..."
# The destination folder has to exist in the server
scp -r ./python/ root@myserver:/root/
echo "Checking for running processes..."
if ssh root@myserver 'ls dmr.pid >/dev/null'; then
echo "PID file exists, reading file..."
PID=$(ssh root@myserver 'cat dmr.pid')
# Terminate the actual process
echo "Terminating the process with PID '$PID'..."
ssh root@myserver 'kill $PID'
echo "PID file doesn't exist, not known processes running"
# Restart the server and get the PID
echo "Restarting the server..."
ssh root@myserver 'python /root/python/run_dev_server.py > /dev/null 2>&1 &'
SERV_PID=$(ssh root@myserver 'echo $!')
echo "Saving PID to file dmr.pid"
ssh root@myserver "echo '$SERV_PID' > \"dmr.pid\""
echo "Sucesfully finished!"
The important lines are:
ssh root@myserver 'python /root/python/run_dev_server.py > /dev/null 2>&1 &'
SERV_PID=$(ssh root@myserver 'echo $!')
the problem with this is that the script finishes but the file ends up empty as well as the $SERV_PID variable.
And if i dont redirect the outputs and just do something like this:
SERV_PID=$(ssh root@myserver 'python /root/python/run_dev_server.py & echo $!')
i get stuck after "Restarting the server" and never get the PID or the file that will contain it or even the end of the script.
But if i run this right in the console:
ssh root@myserver 'python /root/python/run_dev_server.py & echo $!'
i get a PID printed to the terminal.
Any advice on this would be really appreciated.