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How do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2?
15 answers
New to Python & Sublime
I type 'print ("Hello world")
How do I get it to show me the output (Hello world), is it in a separate window? or...
I understand I can use the Python Console built in, but that's a command line, what about when I get to use a ton of code, how do I get the output?
Click on tools > build systems > select Python, then Build with using ctr+shif B and select python, and it ll work. Second time you can use the build command, ctr + B since python is now set as default
My Sublime Extras extension, and MiniPy, the extension I stole it from, both allow this. Search "eval" on the Extras Github page or use MiniPy.
Maybe SublimeREPL, too, depending in what you are after.
Press CtrlB
Alternatively, if you're on linux or mac, save the file as in your home directory and do the following in a terminal / command line:
$ cat
print("Hello World")
$ python3
Hello World
If you're on Windows you're best off using the built-in functionality of sublime.