
Is there a nice way in trigger.io to handle OAuth?

2019-04-26 09:31发布


In my case I would have a re-direct URL with a custom url schema like myapp://oauth

So first I would forward to my oauth login url and then I need to register an event handler for the location change to check if it matches my re-direct url.


Yes, we have an example of how to handle oauth2

Using forge.tabs.openWithOptions, you can specify a url to open in a child browser, and a pattern to monitor for to trigger the child browser to close and return the parameters. So you can specify a redirect_url that will match that pattern.

Update: if you want to use Facebook for authentication we've now integrated the native Facebook SDK so you can do authentication with the forge.facebook module: http://docs.trigger.io/en/v1.4/modules/facebook.html#modules-facebook

标签: trigger.io