
Set default sort order for initial header click on

2019-04-26 08:32发布


I have a GWT CellTable with sortable columns very similar to the developer's guide example (http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideUiCellTable.html#columnSorting).

However, I would like to have certain columns sort descending instead of ascending by default. That is, if column A is not currently sorted and I click on it's header, I want column A to be sorted descending on that first click and ascending on the second click. But I do still want other columns to sort as they currently do - using ascending order on the first click.

Aside from the Column.setSortable(boolean) method to set sortability and the ColumnSortList.push(ColumnSortInfo) method to manually trigger a sort, there doesn't seem to be much control over the process.

Is there a way to accomplish this goal?


Column.setDefaultSortAscending(false) is the easy way to do this; no custom CellTable required.


I was able to extend CellTable to do exactly what I wanted basically by overriding the onColumnSort(ColumnSortEvent) method of the ListHandler associated with the table. This is the meat/potatoes of the implementation. I had to do a little maintenance under the covers to keep track of whether or not a column had been sorted when you are about to sort it again.

One thing that confused me (and was not clear in google's examples) was that using the ColumnSortList.push() method does not actually trigger a sort like clicking does, but instead just changes the underlying state of how the column thinks it is sorted.

When I was ready to utilize this table I made, I basically did the following:

SortedCellTable<MyRowObject> table = new SortedCellTable<MyRowObject>();
table.addColumn(colOne, "one", true); // sortable column
table.addColumn(colTwo, "two", true); //sortable column
table.addColumn(colThree, "three", false); // unsortable column

table.setDefaultSortOrder(colOne, true); // sorts ascending on first click
table.setDefaultSortOrder(colTwo, false); // sorts descending on first click

table.setInitialSortColumn(colTwo); // sort this column as soon as data is set

table.setComparator(colOne, colOneComp); // use this comparator when sorting colOne
table.setComparator(colTwo, colTwoComp); // use this comparator when sorting colTwo

panel.add(table); // add the table to our view
// ...sometime later, asynchronously...

Here is the SortedCellTable implementation:

public class SortedCellTable<T> extends CellTable<T> {
 * To keep track of the currently sorted column
private Column<T, ?> currentlySortedColumn;
 * Tells us which way to sort a column initially
private Map<Column<T, ?>, Boolean> defaultSortOrderMap = new HashMap<Column<T, ?>, Boolean>();
 * Comparators associated with their columns
private Map<Column<T, ?>, Comparator<T>> comparators = new HashMap<Column<T, ?>, Comparator<T>>();
 * Column to sort when the data provider's list is refreshed using
 * {@link SortedCellTable#setList(List)}
private Column<T, ?> initialSortColumn;
 * Data provider we will attach to this table
private ListDataProvider<T> dataProvider;
 * Special column sorting handler that will allow us to do more controlled
 * sorting
ListHandler<T> columnSortHandler;

public SortedCellTable() {
    dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<T>();
    columnSortHandler = new ListHandler<T>(dataProvider.getList()) {

        public void onColumnSort(ColumnSortEvent event) {
            Column<T, ?> column = (Column<T, ?>) event.getColumn();
            if (column == null) {

            if (column.equals(currentlySortedColumn)) {
                // Default behavior
            } else {
                // Initial sort; look up which direction we need
                final Comparator<T> comparator = comparators.get(column);
                if (comparator == null) {

                Boolean ascending = defaultSortOrderMap.get(column);
                if (ascending == null || ascending) {
                    // Default behavior
                } else {
                    // Sort the column descending
                    Collections.sort(getList(), new Comparator<T>() {
                        public int compare(T o1, T o2) {
                            return -comparator.compare(o1, o2);
                    // Set the proper arrow in the header
                            new ColumnSortInfo(column, false));
                currentlySortedColumn = column;

        public void setComparator(Column<T, ?> column,
                Comparator<T> comparator) {
            comparators.put(column, comparator);
            super.setComparator(column, comparator);


 * Adds a column to the table and sets its sortable state
 * @param column
 * @param headerName
 * @param sortable
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> column, String headerName,
        boolean sortable) {
    addColumn(column, headerName);
    if (sortable) {
        defaultSortOrderMap.put(column, true);

 * Adds a column to the table and sets its sortable state
 * @param column
 * @param header
 * @param sortable
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> column, Header<?> header,
        boolean sortable) {
    addColumn(column, header);
    if (sortable) {
        defaultSortOrderMap.put(column, true);

 * Sets the column to sort when the data list is reset using
 * {@link SortedCellTable#setList(List)}
 * @param column
public void setInitialSortColumn(Column<T, ?> column) {
    initialSortColumn = column;

 * Sets a comparator to use when sorting the given column
 * @param column
 * @param comparator
public void setComparator(Column<T, ?> column, Comparator<T> comparator) {
    columnSortHandler.setComparator(column, comparator);

 * Sets the sort order to use when this column is clicked and it was not
 * previously sorted
 * @param column
 * @param ascending
public void setDefaultSortOrder(Column<T, ?> column, boolean ascending) {
    defaultSortOrderMap.put(column, ascending);

 * Sets the table's data provider list and sorts the table based on the
 * column given in {@link SortedCellTable#setInitialSortColumn(Column)}
 * @param list
public void setList(List<T> list) {
    if (list != null) {
        for (T t : list) {

    // Do a first-time sort based on which column was set in
    // setInitialSortColumn()
    if (initialSortColumn != null) {
        Collections.sort(dataProvider.getList(), new Comparator<T>() {

            public int compare(T o1, T o2) {
                return (defaultSortOrderMap.get(initialSortColumn) ? 1 : -1)
                        * comparators.get(initialSortColumn)
                                .compare(o1, o2);

        // Might as well get the little arrow on the header to make it
        // official
                new ColumnSortInfo(initialSortColumn, defaultSortOrderMap
        currentlySortedColumn = initialSortColumn;


Take a look at GWT CellTable columnsorting. (Someone voted it down because he/she did not agree with my approach?)

It is not the answer to your question, but it advocates that you get to the basics of Celltable before attempting anything illustrated by the celltable examples.

By getting to understand the basic behaviour and requirements of Cell/Grid tables, the sorting of columns will manifest itself clearly.

The sorting is performed by your supplying an implementation of comparator. On my part, I had tried a few ways of implementing comparator to suit the various ways I wanted columns sorted.


instead of



someTable.getColumnSortList().push(new ColumnSortInfo(provider.getDefaultSortColumn(), false));