Error creating assembly archive bin: You must set

2019-04-26 01:37发布


I have a maven multi-module project with a module called mod1 that I'm trying to add into a folder /project jars with mvn assembly:assembly from the app folder, where the app pom.xml is.


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.3:single (assembly) on project wrapper: Failed to create assembly
: Error creating assembly archive bin: You must set at least one file. -> [Help 1]

Project folder structure:

    | pom.xml
    | src    | main     | ...
    | pom.xml
    | src    | main     | ...
    | pom.xml
    | src    | main     | ...

// After mvn assembly:assembly

project jars
    | mod1.jar

mod1 pom.xml


wrapper pom.xml



The descriptor (src/main/assembly/modules-assembly.xml) :




                <outputDirectory>/project jars</outputDirectory>


app pom.xml




Why you declare in the project 'app' the both modules 'wrapper' and 'mod1'. app must use 'mod1' at dependency lib?

Do this :

Add parent pom.xml and 3 modules :

pom app :



Create assembly.xml and filter dependency with <includes> and <excludes>.

To create the assembly, use this answer : Maven build assembly with dependencies