Hi folks Did someone have any idea how to register custom html element as GWT widget uiBinder and use them directly in place of using in HTMLPanel.
For e.g. if I'm using Google Polymer in my mgwt project I'm using custom html element as
<g:HTMLPanel >
<paper-shadow class="{style.card}">
<mgwt:touch.TouchPanel ui:field="touchPanel">
<mgwt:panel.flex.FlexPanel orientation="VERTICAL" alignment="CENTER">
<g:Image url="{global.getDirection.getSafeUri.asString}" />
<g:HTMLPanel>Take me to Deal</g:HTMLPanel>
I want to register/create paper-shadow as custom widget so that I can write code as so that its easy to handel events
<polymer:paper-shadow class="{style.card}">
<mgwt:touch.TouchPanel ui:field="touchPanel">
<mgwt:panel.flex.FlexPanel orientation="VERTICAL" alignment="CENTER">
<g:Image url="{global.getDirection.getSafeUri.asString}" />
<g:HTMLPanel>Take me to Deal</g:HTMLPanel>