I am busy with a regression model in R and i have about 16 000 observations. One of these observations causes me to get the following error message,
(1 observation deleted due to missingness)
Is there a way in R so that i can identify this one observation?
If your data is in a data.frame x
, and each row corresponds to an observation, then the way to go about this is to identify complete cases via complete.cases(x)
. Conversely, to find missing values in an observation, do ! complete.cases(x)
. To find out which observation contains missing values, do
which(! complete.cases(x))
There is MWE as well as a solution in this web page : https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-February/227526.html
as commented by @PeterDee seems to be indeed the solution