I have a number of Cucumber scenarios which run with capybara on a project I am working on.
Most of these scenarios start with a "Given I am logged in" step. Currently my implementation of this is:
visit path_to('the login page')
fill_in('Username', :with => 'user')
fill_in('Password', :with => 'password')
This works fine, however it is becoming a bit time consuming having to load and submit the login form before every single scenario.
Is there a way to simply set up the session in this step without having to go through the form every single time?
A bit late to the show as usual but this works for me on Rails 3.0.10.
In features/support/authlogic.rb
require "authlogic/test_case"
ApplicationController.skip_before_filter :activate_authlogic
Before do
Then in features/step_definitions/user_sessions_steps.rb
Given /^I am already logged in$/ do
Obviously, you can pass a username into the step definition if you want to login a specific user.
Full details are in this blog post: http://laserlemon.com/blog/2011/05/20/make-authlogic-and-cucumber-play-nice/
you can use Background in cucumber..ie
Given I am a logged-in admin user
that will DRY up your scenarios.
Borrowing a trick from another auth gem Sorcery's wiki: Integration Testing with Rspec, Capybara and Fabricator, they use:
page.driver.post(user_sessions_url, { username: user, password: password })
Which basically calls the user_sessions_controller#create
method, so make sure the args match up. So for me, I did:
page.driver.post(user_sessions_url, { user_session: { email: user.email, password: user.password } })
I was searching for this for a few days. and UserSession.create!
hadn't been able to work for me. Although this is an old question, I'm on Rails 4, hopefully it may help others stuck too.