I have two search/replace commands that I find myself running in vim fairly often to clean up html code so I can copy/paste it online. The commands are:
I wanted a way I could map both of these commands to be run together ... I did some searching for how to use the :map
commands in vimrc, however, I can't see how to combine the two lines into a single command that is run with a single keystroke (or a single sequence of strokes).
You can put the commands on a single line separated with a bar.
But you'll have to escape it in the map
:map <F3> :%s!<!\<!g\|:%s!>!\>!g<CR>
will create a new buffer containing your previous buffer HTML-ized, including entity escaping (and syntax highlighting, if you had that enabled). See :h TOhtml
for more information.
If you are using this search/replace pattern to HTML encode entities, you might want to check out the unimpaired plugin. Amongst other things, this provides shortcuts for encoding and decoding XML, URL and C strings.
:map <F3> :%s!<!\<!<cr>:%s!>!\>!<cr>
of course can be replaced with whatever key you wish
I've not tried it, but can you not put them on the same line separated by "<CR>"