Is it possible to set/change a user's facebook profile image through the graph API?
I can't find a specific API method, but it is possible to upload an image to a user's album ( Can I set the user's profile image to an image uploaded to their album?
Same question asked in reference to REST API
Can I set a users profile image using the Facebook API?
No, And here's a comment from a guy at facebook:
The Original Link - you have to press show comments
We can do a trick by uploading user’s photo to Facebook via the API then redirect the user to uploaded photo URL with makeprofile=1
added to the list of query strings:
Check Auto Change Facebook Profile Picture to get PHP example and demo.
Currently this is possible by redirecting the user to the mobile profile pic change url,[fb photo id]&prof&ls=your_photo_permalink
The previous work around, using the[fb photo id]&makeprofile=1
url no longer works.
To the best of my knowledge and experience: No.
See the "Publishing" section here:
Requires the publish_stream
To publish a photo, issue a POST
request with the photo file attachment
as multipart/form-data
You can publish an individual photo to
a user profile with a POST to
We automatically create an album for
your application if it does not
already exist. All photos from your
application will be published to the
same automatically created album.
You can publish a photo to a specific,
existing photo album with a POST to
The last sentence states you can publish to an existing album, so if you're trying to update the user's profile picture (not sure from the way you stated your question), try getting the album ID for the user, then publishing to that.