With the official launch of Meteor, is there a solid way to use NPM packages? I'm trying to use embed.ly but I don't see any straightforward way to do so.
Also, as a meteor novice, how do I include packages in my files? I don't see any 'require' or 'exports' functions.
You can install meteorhacks:npm
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
Meteor will then stop. You can then edit the new package.json file
"request" : "2.33.0"
Then when you start Meteor it will install the npm modules for you.
Usage would as follows (use Meteor.npmRequire
instead of require
request = Meteor.npmRequire("request");
In the new "localmarket" example, they include a npm package in the package directory like this:
Request = Meteor.wrapAsync(Npm.require('request'));
and in the package.js file:
summary: "Wraps the request module from Npm in a fiber.",
version: '0.0.0'
Npm.depends({request: "2.33.0"});
Package.on_use(function (api) {
api.add_files('request-server.js', 'server');
You can install this package https://github.com/meteorhacks/npm first. Then use it to require other NPM packages.