What are some macros that you have found useful in Visual Studio for code manipulation and automation?
This is my macro to close the solution, delete the intellisense file, and reopen the solution. Essential if you're working in native C++.
Sub UpdateIntellisense()
Dim solution As Solution = DTE.Solution
Dim filename As String = solution.FullName
Dim ncbFile As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder
ncbFile.Append(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filename) + "\")
End Sub
This is one of the handy ones I use on HTML and XML files:
Option Strict Off
Option Explicit Off
Imports EnvDTE
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Module ReplaceUnicodeChars
Sub ReplaceUnicodeChars()
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8230), "…") ' ellipses
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8220), "“") ' left double quote
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8221), "”") ' right double quote
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8216), "‘") ' left single quote
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8217), "’") ' right single quote
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8211), "–") ' en dash
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8212), "—") ' em dash
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(176), "°") ' °
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(188), "¼") ' ¼
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(189), "½") ' ½
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(169), "©") ' ©
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(174), "®") ' ®
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8224), "†") ' dagger
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(8225), "‡") ' double-dagger
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(185), "¹") ' ¹
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(178), "²") ' ²
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(179), "³") ' ³
ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(153), "™") ' ™
''ReplaceAllChar(ChrW(0), "�")
End Sub
Sub ReplaceAllChar(ByVal findWhat, ByVal replaceWith)
DTE.Find.FindWhat = findWhat
DTE.Find.ReplaceWith = replaceWith
DTE.Find.Target = vsFindTarget.vsFindTargetCurrentDocument
DTE.Find.MatchCase = False
DTE.Find.MatchWholeWord = False
DTE.Find.MatchInHiddenText = True
DTE.Find.PatternSyntax = vsFindPatternSyntax.vsFindPatternSyntaxLiteral
DTE.Find.ResultsLocation = vsFindResultsLocation.vsFindResultsNone
DTE.Find.Action = vsFindAction.vsFindActionReplaceAll
End Sub
End Module
It's useful when you have to do any kind of data entry and want to escape everything at once.
This is one I created which allows you to easily change the Target Framework Version of all projects in a solution: http://geekswithblogs.net/sdorman/archive/2008/07/18/visual-studio-2008-and-targetframeworkversion.aspx
I'm using Jean-Paul Boodhoo's BDD macro. It replaces whitespace characters with underscores within the header line of a method signature. This way I can type the names of a test case, for example, as a normal sentence, hit a keyboard shortcut and I have valid method signature.
You might want to add in code snippets as well, they help to speed up the development time and increase productivity.
The standard VB code snippets come with the default installation. The C# code snippets must be downloaded and added seperately. (Link below for those)
As far as macros go, I generally have not used any but the working with Visual studio 2005 book has some pretty good ones in there.
C# Code snippets Link: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/files/ms-csharp-snippets.7z.zip (Jeff Atwood provided the link) HIH