I have some orders in a table and the last order date of 2011 is 20th Dec.
I'm using a sql command to calculate the number of orders in a given week:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),DATENAME(week,convert(datetime,order_date,103))) AS week,
COUNT(1) as orders
FROM order_table
where DATENAME(YEAR,convert(datetime,order_date,103)) = '2011'
GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(3),DATENAME(week,convert(datetime,order_date,103)))
order by week asc
It returns me the some of the following results:
Week | Orders
41 | 42
42 | 110
43 | 115
51 | 155
52 | 15
The trouble with this is is that the last order date of 2011 as mentioned that I have is 20th Dec 2011, which can't be week 52 so must be week 51.
I've got some other stats(off another system, not SQL server) which giving me some other figures and the last week on it is 51 which I have no doubt is correct. So there's going to be a queries if people are looking both!
Anyone have any idea or know how to sort this?
The iso_week of 20th Dec 2011 is 51. So maybe that is what you need.
SELECT datepart(iso_week, '2011-12-20')
SQL Counts a week as Sunday-Saturday, you can use the script below to see how the weeks break out for 2011. The 1st of January is a Saturday, which means the first week is only 1 day. There are 53 SQL weeks in 2011, and 53 weeks in most years
SET @dStartDate = '01/01/2011'
WHILE @dStartDate < '01/01/2012'
+ ' : '
+ ' : '
+ DATENAME(DW, @dStartDate)
SET @dStartDate = @dStartDate + 1
If you want to change the day SQL counts as the first of the week, you can use the DATEFIRST command
SELECT DatePart(WEEK,order_date) AS WeekOfYear
FROM order_table
Should give you the week number.
So do
Select * from order_table Where DatePart(Week, order_date) = 52
See what is week 52 not what you think is 52.
PS Given you are starting week 1 on the 1/1 it's not possible to have a 52 week year, unless 1 and or 52 are not seven day weeks.