I'm trying to encode some botanical data in Turtle format, and read this data from Python using RDFLib. However, I'm having trouble, and I'm not sure if it's because my Turtle is malformed or I'm misusing RDFLib.
My test data is:
@PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@PREFIX p: <http://www.myplantdomain.com/plant/description> .
p:description a rdfs:Property .
p:name a rdfs:Property .
p:language a rdfs:Property .
p:value a rdfs:Property .
p:gender a rdfs:Property .
p:inforescence a rdfs:Property .
p:color a rdfs:Property .
p:sense a rdfs:Property .
p:type a rdfs:Property .
p:fruit a rdfs:Property .
p:flower a rdfs:Property .
p:dataSource a rdfs:Property .
p:degree a rdfs:Property .
p:date a rdfs:Property .
p:person a rdfs:Property .
p:description [
p:name [
p:kingdom "Plantae" ;
p:division "Pinophyta" ;
p:class "Pinopsida" ;
p:order "Pinales" ;
p:family "Pinaceae" ;
p:genus "Abies" ;
p:species "A. alba" ;
p:language "latin" ;
p:given_by [
p:person p:source/Philip_Miller ;
p:start_date "1923-1-2"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date>
] ;
p:name [
p:language "english" ;
p:value "silver fir"
] ;
p:flower [
p:gender "male"@en ;
p:inflorescence "catkin"@en ;
p:color "brown"@en ;
p:color "yellow"@en ;
p:sense "straight"@en
] ;
p:flower [
p:gender "female"@en ;
p:inflorescence "catkin"@en ;
p:color "pink"@en ;
p:color "yellow"@en ;
p:sense "straight"@en
] ;
p:fruit [
p:type "cone"@en ;
p:color "brown"@en
] .
And my Python is:
import rdflib
g = rdflib.Graph()
#result = g.parse('trees.ttl')
#result = g.parse('trees.ttl', format='ttl')
result = g.parse('trees.ttl', format='n3')
print len(g)
for stmt in g:
print stmt
Which gives me the errors:
ValueError: Found @PREFIX when expecting a http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#document . todoStack=[['http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#document', []]]
I've tried varying the parse() parameters, but everything gives me an error. I've found little to no examples on how to parse Turtle. What am I doing wrong?