
Can't see boost::optional contents when debugg

2019-04-24 02:48发布


If I try to look at the variable directly, I see a ? sign. If I create a watch calling the is_initialized function, I get the following error:

CXX0033: Error: error in OMF type information

I didn't find much info about this error related to Boost using Google.

Anybody else experienced this? It's a hassle using OutputDebugString everywhere and rebuilding...

EDIT: Using Visual Studio 2010 SP1 with all hotfixes in Windows XP SP3 idem, and Boost 1.49.0

UPDATE: This issue comes and goes, it doesn't happen consistently; Debugger Visualizers are a great solution, I've adopted them as my brand new tool


You can use DebuggerVisualizers.


Try this: for a variable boost::optional<Category> category, create a watch on: category.get()


Use DebuggerVisualizers to make this transition:



P.S. I tried to add these images to clarify the accepted answer but my edit was rejected.