Answers found at Java 8 lambdas, Function.identity() or t->t seem to imply that Function.identity()
is almost always equivalent to t -> t
. However, in the testcase seen below, replacing t -> t
by Function.identity()
results in a compiler error. Why is that?
public class Testcase {
public static <T, A, R, K, V> Collector<T, A, R> comparatorOrdering(
Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyMapper,
Function<? super T, ? extends V> valueMapper,
Comparator<? super K> keyComparator,
Comparator<? super V> valueComparator) {
return null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Integer, String> case1 = Stream.of(1, 2, 3).
collect(comparatorOrdering(t -> t, t -> String.valueOf(t),
Comparator.naturalOrder(), Comparator.naturalOrder()));
Map<Integer, String> case2 = Stream.of(1, 2, 3).
collect(comparatorOrdering(Function.identity(), t -> String.valueOf(t),
Comparator.naturalOrder(), Comparator.naturalOrder()));
Case 1 compiles just fine but case 2 fails with:
method comparatorOrdering in class Testcase cannot be applied to given types;
collect(comparatorOrdering(Function.identity(), t -> String.valueOf(t),
required: Function<? super T#1,? extends K>,Function<? super T#1,? extends V>,Comparator<? super K>,Comparator<? super V>
found: Function<Object,Object>,(t)->Strin[...]Of(t),Comparator<T#2>,Comparator<T#3>
reason: inferred type does not conform to upper bound(s)
inferred: Object
upper bound(s): Comparable<? super T#4>,T#4,Object
where T#1,A,R,K,V,T#2,T#3,T#4 are type-variables:
T#1 extends Object declared in method <T#1,A,R,K,V>comparatorOrdering(Function<? super T#1,? extends K>,Function<? super T#1,? extends V>,Comparator<? super K>,Comparator<? super V>)
A extends Object declared in method <T#1,A,R,K,V>comparatorOrdering(Function<? super T#1,? extends K>,Function<? super T#1,? extends V>,Comparator<? super K>,Comparator<? super V>)
R extends Object declared in method <T#1,A,R,K,V>comparatorOrdering(Function<? super T#1,? extends K>,Function<? super T#1,? extends V>,Comparator<? super K>,Comparator<? super V>)
K extends Object declared in method <T#1,A,R,K,V>comparatorOrdering(Function<? super T#1,? extends K>,Function<? super T#1,? extends V>,Comparator<? super K>,Comparator<? super V>)
V extends Object declared in method <T#1,A,R,K,V>comparatorOrdering(Function<? super T#1,? extends K>,Function<? super T#1,? extends V>,Comparator<? super K>,Comparator<? super V>)
T#2 extends Comparable<? super T#2>
T#3 extends Comparable<? super T#3>
T#4 extends Comparable<? super T#4> declared in method <T#4>naturalOrder()
My environment is Windows 10, 64-bit, Oracle JDK build 1.8.0_92-b14.
UPDATE: Seeing as this compiles under ecj, I have a follow-up question: Is this a bug in javac
? What does the JLS have to say about this case?