I encountered a problem about importing php files.
Why this works:
include( Yii::getPathOfAlias( 'ext.payu.payU').'.php' );
but that don't:
Yii::import( 'ext.payu.payU');
file payU.php:
include_once( dirname(__FILE__) . "/sdk/openpayu.php"); //this is a valid path
class payU{ }
Try to do Yii::import('ext.payu.payU', true)
because default one-parameter Yii::import()
function call means:
hey, just add this path to the known aliases list and do not require()
it now
and you have to do new payU()
for this to work.
Import works the follow way:
Open Directory and Load the Class within the php file ; condition :
the name of class are indetical to name of file.
Instead Include , loads all classes into php file