I am getting a large array of objects through ajax and if the array has data then it will be passed to ImportObservableListItems in my viewmodel:
success: function (data) {
if (data.length > 0) {
in the viewmodel I would like to add each object to an observable array but I need the properties of each object to be observable. however if the array contains a large number of objects then the browser crashes. is there any way I could prevent it?
self.ImportObservableListItems = function (data) {
$.each(data, function(index, item) {
var newListItem = {
MediaID: ko.observable(item.MediaID),
MediaName: ko.observable(item.MediaName),
MediaTypeID: ko.observable(item.MediaTypeID),
MediaTypeName: ko.observable(item.MediaTypeName),
Group1: ko.observable(item.Group1),
Group2: ko.observable(item.Group2),
Group3: ko.observable(item.Group3),
Group4: ko.observable(item.Group4),
Group5: ko.observable(item.Group5)