I am using the Google Maps Android API and I'm running into some issues.
I am signing my apk with android studio (created one at .android/keystore.jks). Also I'm selecting "release" as type in it. I have used the command
keytool -list -v -keystore C:\Users\Toshiba\.android\keystore.jks
to get the SHA1 fingerprint out of the keystore.
The SHA1 is correct, but the Map is not shown on a signed APK. It is shown in a debug APK.
Using keytool with the release keystore (keystore.jks) will get me this:
SHA1: 33:46:07:82:5B:D4:45:D2:60:CE:5A:29:97:9F:6C:44:XX:XX:XX:XX
The debug one works fine (I have added 2 to the API console in Google)
XX is blacked out.
The keytool says it is using SHA256withRSA as signature algorithm for both, the debug and the release keystore.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE So I've tried a new API key, clean project and rebuild it, new keystore - still not working on release... debug is fine!
UPDATE 2 Still not found a working solution... Help me!
UPDATE 3 Allright, got it working using a signed APK with build type debug. Extracted the CERT.RSA and runned keytool -printcert -file ./CERT.SA
. Got the same result as for the release build type. In release it is not working!
UPDATE 4 Here's another try I made:
- Created a new GIT Repository, commited to it.
- The
folders are not beeing commited since they are in the.gitignore
files. - Created a new API key in the API console and added only the release SHA1 key to it.
- Added that API key to the app and made a full clean with rebuild.
- Generated a new signed APK file
It did not work.
UPDATE 5 A friend of mine tried to reproduce this issue. He has the exact same issue when working with android studio. Probably a android studio bug?