public void search() throws Exception{
String url = "jdbc:odbc:******";
String user = "*****";
String pass = "*****";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass);
Statement state = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = state.executeQuery("");
ResultSetMetaData rsmetadata = rs.getMetaData();
int columns = rsmetadata.getColumnCount();
DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel();
Vector column_name = new Vector();
Vector data_rows = new Vector();
for (int i=1; i<columns;i++){
data_rows = new Vector();
for (int j=1; j<columns; j++){
On my ResultSet rs = state.executeQuery()
I used this SQL
+ "pIDNo AS 'Patient ID',"
+ "pLName AS 'Last Name',"
+ "pFName AS 'First Name',"
+ "pMI AS 'M.I.',"
+ "pSex AS 'Sex',"
+ "pStatus AS 'Status',"
+ "pTelNo AS 'Contact No.',"
+ "pDocID AS 'Doctor ID',"
+ "pAddr AS 'St. No.',"
+ "pStreet AS 'St. Name',"
+ "pBarangay AS 'Barangay',"
+ "pCity AS 'City',"
+ " pProvince AS 'Province',"
+ " pLNameKIN AS 'Last Name',"
+ "pFNameKIN AS 'First Name',"
+ "pMIKIN AS 'M.I.',"
+ "pRelationKIN AS 'Relation',"
+ "pTotalDue AS 'Total Due'"
+ " FROM dbo.Patients");
First I run this line (pTotalDue didn't come up to jTable.)
And on my second attempt to display it I do this:
"SELECT pTotalDue AS 'Total Due' FROM dbo.Patients"
Now I tried this one, and I think something's really wrong about my codes. BTW this column has MONEY DATA TYPE
why does it didn't show to my JTable
? could anyone tell me what is the problem with my codes?
(Problem in the answer that has given to me) public class QueryOnWorkerThread extends SwingWorker{ private final JTable tableToUpdate;
public QueryOnWorkerThread( JTable aTableToUpdate ) {
tableToUpdate = aTableToUpdate;
protected TableModel doInBackground() throws Exception {
String url = "jdbc:odbc:OJT_dsn";
String user = "sa";
String pass = "";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( url, user, pass );
Statement state = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = state.executeQuery("");
ResultSetMetaData rsmetadata = rs.getMetaData();
int columns = rsmetadata.getColumnCount();
DefaultTableModel dtm = new DefaultTableModel();
Vector column_name = new Vector();
Vector data_rows;
//note the <= check iso the < check (as the count starts at index 1)
for (int i=1; i<=columns;i++){
data_rows = new Vector();
//note the <= check iso the < check (as the count starts at index 1)
for (int j=1; j<=columns; j++){
return dtm;
`@Override <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I have a problem here it says : done() in javaapplication25.SearchPatient.QueryWorkerThread cannot override done() in javax.swing.SwingWorker overriden method does not throw java.lang.Exception , what does it mean sir?`
protected void done() throws Exception{
//this method runs on the EDT, so it is safe to update our table here
try {
tableToUpdate.setModel( get() );
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( e );
} catch ( ExecutionException e ) {
throw new RuntimeException( e );