I'm trying to parse a piece of XML and remove nodes that contain certain values. I know how to remove them if the value is exact, but I want to use something like a "contains".
This works to delete exactly:
update @XML set data.modify('delete //Message[text() = "customer has deleted their account"]')
But I want to delete where the "Message" node just contains the text, something like:
update @XML set data.modify('delete //Message[contains(text(), "customer")]')
However this returns the error:
XQuery [@XML.data.modify()]: 'contains()' requires a singleton (or empty sequence), found operand of type 'xdt:untypedAtomic *'
update @XML set data.modify('delete //Message[text()][contains(.,"customer")]')
to delete the <message/>
element and its contents
update @XML set data.modify('delete //Message//text()[contains(.,"customer")]')
to delete the <message/>
element's contents.
Example here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178026.aspx
declare @XML xml = '
declare @Guid varchar(30) = 'aslkjflaksjflkasjfkljsd'
set @XML.modify('delete /Root/Sub/Record[Guid = sql:variable("@Guid")]')