jQuery('td[class=bgoff]').each(function() {
var td = jQuery(this);
... no apply selector to "this" only
I'm working with tabular data in html and trying to parse the contents of each TD (they are not uniquely identifiable).
Using XPath, I can prepend the path of "this" to additional selecting.
How can I achieve this with jQuery?
With jQuery you have the option of supplying a second parameter after the selector expression and that becomes a context that jQuery uses to limit scope of the lookup. Learn more here
You can also use .find(expression) if you already have a jquery object within which you wish to search.
In your example:
jQuery('td[class=bgoff]').each(function() {
var td = jQuery(this);
$(td).find( <selector to search within td> );
From the jQuery source:
// HANDLE: $(expr, context)
// (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)