I need help with the following SQL Server query where the columns a.TAProfileID and c.CountryCode have "NULL" values in the database.
I want my JOIN statements to return "NULL" values where they exist.
a.ReservationStayID AS 'Reservation Id',
a.PMSConfirmationNumber as 'PMS No',
a.CreatedOn AS 'Date Created',
a.ArrivalDate AS 'Date of Arrival',
a.DepartureDate AS 'Date of Departure',
a.TAProfileID AS 'TA Id',
a.StatusCode AS 'Status',
b.PropertyCode AS 'Hotel',
c.Name AS 'Travel Agency',
c.CountryCode AS 'Market Code',
d.CountryName AS 'Mkt'
FROM ReservationStay a
inner JOIN GuestStaySummary b ON a.ReservationStayID = b.ReservationStayID
inner JOIN TravelAgency c ON a.TAProfileID = c.TravelAgencyID
inner JOIN Market d ON c.CountryCode = d.CountryCode