Unit-safe square roots

2019-04-22 17:46发布


I just wondered how it is possible to write a user-defined square root function (sqrt) in a way that it interacts properly with F#'s unit system.

What it should be like:

let sqrt (x : float<'u ^ 2>) =
    let x' = x / 1.0<'u ^ 2> // Delete unit
    (x ** 0.5) * 1.0<'u>     // Reassign unit

But this is disallowed due to nonzero constants not being allowed to have generic units.

Is there a way to write this function? With the builtin sqrt it works fine, so what magic does it perform?


Allowing nonzero generic constants would make it very easy to break the safety of the type system for units (see Andrew Kennedy's papers). I believe that the answer to your last question is that sqrt is indeed magic in some sense in that it shouldn't be possible to define a parametric function with that type signature through normal means. However, it is possible to do what you want (at least in the current version of F#) by taking advantage of boxing and casting:

let sqrt (x : float<'u^2>) =
  let x' = (float x) ** 0.5 (* delete unit and calculate sqrt *)
  ((box x') :?> float<'u>)


@kvb is right, more generally:

If you have a non-unit aware algorithm (e.g. say you write 'cube root'), and you want to put units on it, you can wrap the algorithm in a function with the right type signature and use e.g. "float" to 'cast away' the units as they come in and the box-and-downcast approach to 'add back' the appropriate units on the way out.

In the RTM release (after Beta2), F# will have primitive library functions for the 'add back units', since the box-and-downcast approach is a currently bit of a hack to overcome the lack of these primitives in the language/library.