I have a model, Director
with two DateFields, and two subclasses (code below). I am trying to create an admin page for each Director which shows the corresponding subclass instance, and not the Director
instance; this part is mostly easy (I create an inline for each subclass, give the main ModelAdmin a form with all fields excluded, and have the main ModelAdmin only request formsets from the inlines which have a corresponding instance - the code; there is an unresolved issue with this approach, which I note below, but is not the focus of this question).
The problem I have is that I want to massage the values displayed to the user, one of which is shown in a readonly field, one of which is not. The processing is that I want to change a magic value (date(1,1,1)
) to the string "On incorporation"
Dates in readonly fields aren't rendered in a format very friendly to parsing, and I would like to reduce unnecessary dependence on javascript, so I would very much prefer a server-side solution.
The code below displays the forms as I want them, except that date values are not massaged at all, and when saving, there is a spurious "Please correct the error below" message, even though there are no errors, and all fields are saved correctly.
My question is: how do I intercept the values to be rendered on the page, both in readonly fields, and in forms fields, and alter them to display a string of my choosing?
The models (so far as material):
class Director(models.Model, Specializable):
date_of_appointment = models.DateField()
date_ceased_to_act = models.DateField(blank=True,null=True)
class DirectorsIndividual(Director):
class DirectorsCorporate(Director):
The admin code:
class DirectorAdmin(EnhancedAdmin):
fields = ()
## def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs):
## return None
def queryset(self, request):
""" Directors for all companies which are incorporated by the current user's organisation """
individual = Individual.for_user(request.user)
return Director.objects.filter(company__incorporation_ticket__ordered_by__in = Organisation.all_organisations_for_which_individual_authorised_to_incorporate(individual))
class form(forms.ModelForm):
# have this return no html - that way only inlines are shown
class Meta:
fields = ()
def is_valid(self):
self._errors = {}
return True
class DirectorsIndividualInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = DirectorsIndividual
fk_name = 'director_ptr'
extra = 0
readonly_fields = ('deferred_on','company','date_of_appointment',)
can_delete = False
def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
if obj and obj.company and not obj.company.is_submitted(): return self.readonly_fields # allow editing of fields listed in else
return itertools.chain(self.readonly_fields, ('individual', 'is_secretary'))
def has_delete_permission(self, request, obj=None):
return obj and ((obj.company and not obj.company.is_submitted()) or not obj.company)
class form(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(forms.ModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['surrogate_for'].required = False
self.fields['representative_for'].required = False
if self.instance:
obj = self.instance
for field in (f for f in type(obj)._meta.fields if type(f) == fields.DateField):
val = field.value_from_object(obj)
assert (type(val) in (datetime.date, type(None),))
# assert field.name != 'date_of_appointment'
if val == inc_consts.EARLIEST_DATE:
self.initial[field.name] = "On incorporation"
def is_valid(self):
self._errors = {}
return True
class DirectorsCorporateInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = DirectorsCorporate
fk_name = 'director_ptr'
extra = 0
can_delete = False
class form(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(forms.ModelForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if True:
for k in self.fields:
self.fields[k].required = False
def is_valid(self):
self._errors = {}
return True
inlines = (DirectorsIndividualInline,DirectorsCorporateInline)
def get_inlines(self, request, obj=None):
return (inline for inline in (self.inline_instances)
if inline.model.objects.filter(**{(inline.fk_name or self.model._meta.object_name.lower()) : obj }))
def get_formsets(self, request, obj=None):
""" only return formset for inlines for which there exists an object """
return (inline.get_formset(request, obj) for inline in self.get_inlines(request, obj))
I realise that there is an asymmetry between DirectorsCorporateInline
and DirectorsIndividualInline
; that is because I am testing on an instance with a DirectorsIndividual
instance. The code above refers to model fields not shown in the models, because they are not material to the dates issue; it should be possible to render them immaterial for the spurious error issue without altering those fields (although I realise it is less helpful for that issue, I want to keep this question mostly focused on one issue). EnhancedAdmin
is a ModelAdmin
subclass with some minor alterations which shouldn't be of consequence. Extra code can be shown on reasoned request, but I don't want to confuse with irrelevant code.
For completeness: I am using django 1.3.1 on python 2.7.2.