My current code uses series of asynchronous processes that culminate in results. I need to wrap each of these in such a way that each is accessed by a synchronous method with the result as a return value. I want to use executor services to do this, so as to allow many of these to happen at the same time. I have the feeling that Future might be pertinent to my implementation, but I can't figure out a good way to make this happen.
What I have now:
public class DoAJob {
ResultObject result;
public void stepOne() {
// Passes self in for a callback
// Called back by otherComponent once it has completed doStepOne
public void stepTwo(IntermediateData d) {
otherComponent.doStepTwo(this, d);
// Called back by otherComponent once it has completed doStepTwo
public void stepThree(ResultObject resultFromOtherComponent) {
result = resultFromOtherComponent;
//Done with process
This has worked pretty well internally, but now I need to map my process into a synchronous method with a return value like:
public ResultObject getResult(){
// ??? What goes here ???
Does anyone have a good idea about how to implement this elegantly?
If you want to turn an asynchronous operation (which executes a callback when finished), into a synchronous/blocking one, you can use a blocking queue. You can wrap this up in a Future object if you wish.
Define a blocking queue which can hold just one element:
BlockingQueue<Result> blockingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Result>(1);
Start your asynchronous process (will run in the background), and write the callback such that when it's done, it adds its result to the blocking queue.
In your foreground/application thread, have it take() from the queue, which blocks until an element becomes available:
Result result = blockingQueue.take();
I wrote something similar before (foreground thread needs to block for an asynchronous response from a remote machine) using something like a Future, you can find example code here.
I've done something similar with the Guava library; these links might point you in the right direction:
Is it possible to chain async calls using Guava?
If you like to get your hands dirty, you can do this
ResultObject result;
public void stepOne()
while(result==null) this.wait();
return result;
public void stepThree(ResultObject resultFromOtherComponent)
result = resultFromOtherComponent;
Or you can use higher level concurrency tools, like BlockingQueue, Semaphore, CountdownLatch, Phaser, etc etc.
Note that DoAJob
is not thread safe - trouble ensured if two threads call stepOne
at the same time.
I recommend using invokeAll(..). It will submit a set of tasks to the executor, and block until the last one completes (successfully/with exception). It then returns a list of completed Future objects, so you can loop on them and merge the results into a single ResultObject.
In you wish to run only a single task in a synchronous manner, you can use the following:
Now I think I understand better your needs. I assume that you need a way to submit independent sequences of tasks. Please take a look at the code I posted in this answer.